Telsoc Redesign

Yohanes Keanoe

Telsoc Redesign


A freelance task by Telecommunications Association (TelSoc). The project requires a full redesign of the website and a system cleanup using Drupal 7. We've decided to reuse Drupal 7 instead of upgrading to 8 or 9, due to multiple core modules that the site needed that are still outdated. The site's is designed and developed personally by me. Couple of the key features include memberships and tickets purchases, reports of article views, memberships, attendances, and events, and emailing newsletters, invitations, and reminders.

One of the biggest challenge of this project is to migrate the whole database of the old site into the new site's structure, while also cleaning up some errors or unused data. So I've developed a PHP script to handle all the data migrations and detecting wrong or invalid data.



Article Search

Article Search





Event Page

Event Page

Event Page Mobile

Event Page Mobile

Homepage Mobile

Homepage Mobile

Mobile Navigation

Mobile Navigation